Saturday, February 4, 2012

Being the new kid

              So I just recently transferred to a new school. I went from a Catholic school to a public. The main reason I transferred was so I can be in a structured class with a teacher for math like a normal kid, in a normal high school and also because I wanted to take art as an option. But instead, the art class was all full and I eventually switched into -2 for math. boo hoo.

              Picture this; so now I'm stuck in a math class of about 10 dumb boys and I'm the only female. I teacher talks to everyone like their retarded. Makes me wonder, I should have stuck with the stressful -1's class. BIG MISTAKE. But I just hate staying up all night trying to figure out an impossible math question. And then getting screwed over in the morning. Thank God, I've got a decent friend in my English class, actually I known her before, because she once went to the same school with me in grade 11. I also have bio class, which initially is the hardest class of the day. Its only been about three days of school and we've already done one lab!

               Omg to be honest I should have stayed at my old school, I regret my choice. But I gotta make the best of it.

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