Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My take on the Edmonton version of the reality TV show, "Jersey Shore"

I like to read the metro news every morning on my bus ride to school. Today, though was different. I opened the newspaper to the second page and read an interesting heading that stated: Reality TV Show Holds Casting Call.
At first I got all excited because the thought of that fact that there would be a TV show in EDMONTON (out of all the better places in beautiful Alberta) that's amazing. I'm pretty sure most TV productions would go with along Calgary rather than Edmonton, but not this one. Edmonton is where I was born and raised. It's my home
However, my heart immediately dropped when I read further and discovered what this particular TV would base it's content upon.

To summarize quickly in my own words; This article by written Laurie Callusen basically discussed how there is going to be a casting call for an Edmonton version of Jersey Shore, for the "Northsiders".

Yuck, I feel like I'm about to gag. Who even watches that show; Jersey Shore? Like seriously, I have seen it once and immediately thought it was a waste of my life. I'm just not a fan of the shows that star those dramatic attention seekers.

And don't get me wrong, I do support Canadian productions, but the content of drinking, partying, sex, yelling at someone for no apparent reason,  & stupid plain teenage drama, like COME ON, Edmonton is waaaay better than that. I feel like this show is going to portray a bad image for Edmonton. It is bad enough that we're known as the killing capital of Alberta, with the label of "Deadmonton."

Another reason why I'm not  necessary on the boat with this idea, is because its something that's already been there, & ppl have done that. Why can't Canadian Media come up with something fresh, original and unique? A lot of the Canadian versions of shows that I see on TV these days are just Canadian versions of the American ones. Like wtf? Its seems as though we are more of the follower, monkey-see-monkey-do type, rather then being a leader and coming on with our own new ideas. For example take a look at American idol, Canada got a version of that after the Americans made a hit out of it. I could say the same for ____ Got Talent, or even the soon-to-air Canadian version of The Bachelor.

Thus I feel as though this is a bad idea overall. Please leave a comment and let me know what you guys think; yay or nay?

I might even make a YouTube video on this. I'll post the link here once I'm done.


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