Friday, April 27, 2012

Is there any way I can become a FASHION DESIGNER without going to school?

I have done some extensive research to see if going to college is actually worth the time and the money.

I am currently eighteen years old. Going to High school is SUCH a drag.

The way i see it is:: whats the point of wasting my time in a classroom where I dread being in?

My dream is to become a fashion designer not a doctor! Why do I really need biology 30? it is , more likely I'd forget most of everything I learned in the class in less then a month. I just don't see the point.

 I feel like I should just drop high school and start my fashion design career learning from books, website and YouTube. I consider myself to be a very independent person.

In for 2.5 years I have gone to a high school were I was in a "self-directed learning program." It wasn't easy to begin with but I eventually got the hang of teaching myself without a teacher. Basically that's what the school was all about. I would come into the building meet with my teacher adviser and then head onto the "learning floor" pick a desk where I wouldn't get distracted and start working on my learning guides (modules). There were about 2 seminar classes per week and that's it. I mean it was so chill.

But the only real problem I had was the fact that I just couldn't teach myself math. I would spend hours at the math desk. I knew I needed a real math teacher. Theres some things I can teach myself like social and English but then there is math - the most dreadful subject of all. The one I've always had problems with even when I was younger. So the second semester I decided that I would move to a normal structured high school.

Boy was that a mistake. I mean, I'm doing well in math 20-2 now that I have a teacher.
But what really grinds my gears about being in a normal high school is the fact that I actually have to listen to the teacher's mombo jumbo. Half the time the teacher doesn't even teacher because the kids are having their a.d.d moments and the teachers have to stop and get them settled.

God, I really hate school in general. I used-to be able to study for science, but now I just don't have the motivation to study something I don't want to. My motivational drive is in the concept of art and fashion. I have always had a more creative mind, rather then a mathematical one. Everyone has their own strengths. They may solve a problem a different way then me. I personally don't think HS is for me. Its wasting a lot of my time. Remember Alexander McQueen? Yes, how can anyone forget! If you don't know who this brilliant man once was then go back to your cave. You may be surprised to learn that he too was a high school dropout. He later somehow got into (a dream school of mine) in London called  Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. He is my idol.

However, not everyone I know is exactly on board with me. I told my mom I was going to dropout yesterday and It was like an Earth Quake hit the room all of a sudden. Shes yelling and telling me that I'm going to end up like my brother; a unemployed father. (well, at least he graduated from hs, i guess) She says I'm never going to find a good job if I don't take the first step and finish that diploma. But she doesn't understand. She's a nursing attendant for Peace sakes! And my dad? Ha! whatta Joke.

If anyone is still reading this post, please tell me what you think. Can a high school dropout really succeed in this competitive world? Or am I only lining myself up to be another mim. waged patty flipper?

ALSO, Check out my vlog on my YouTuble channel:

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The "Vlogging In Public" 2012 Challenge!!!

I have always had a hard time trying to get the courage to vlog infront of people. I wanted to attempt it but every time I did I'd get shot down by the faces of other people. People looked at me as though I am from a different planet. Like I am some kind of alien who just arrived on planet Earth. Being too self-conscience of what they might be thinking of me, I would rather just put away the camera and act normal, then the reverse. To get a better understanding of what I mean here is a link to my YouTube video that brings up this exact subject:

But now this has to come to a stop, for I am not just an ordinary, normal, boring person. I am a young, unique individual with an interesting personality and it is time that I embrace that. I shouldn't care what people think of me. My business, is my business. In spite of all that, it is easier said then done.

After I did make that video (with the link above) on, "My Take On Fears Of Vlogging In Public," I was challenged by another YouTube vlogger to make ten YouTube videos in Public IN JUST FIFTEEN DAYS! And if I do all that I win myself a subscriber. At first, I admit I was kind of hesitant - could I really do this? -Was I really up for this challenge?

Then I said, ahhh, you know what? Fuck it, I'm gunna DO IT! I gotta DO IT! It would help me gain some confidence in myself. It wouldn't be a challenge if it was a piece of cake. For me this is a pretty big challenge, with a time limit. So far I have made One V.I.P. video with nine more soon to be coming.
Here is the link to the first one:

If you have a YouTube channel, please feel free to subscribe. It would be nice to know that more people will be there for me. This also, gives me a reason to make videos, as well as pushing myself with the encouragement of my subscribers to vlog out in the open.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Top 12 Things I Like To Do


12) Listening  to music; I can't even begin to image how life would be like without music and songs and sounds. When ever I wake up in the mornings to go to school, one of the first thing I will do is turn on the radio and listen to a song on 102.3 NOW! radio.

11) Going into indigo, picking a book about a random fashion designer and reading it. Sometimes after school if I had a bad day, or a stressful day, I go to this book store. I love reading about fashion designers I haven't heard about yet. Most of the time their stories are very inspirational. Their stories also tend to motivate me, and remind me that to be successful there must be those long stressful days where you have put in all your effect, and your beat-up by the end of it all. I want to be a fashion designer in the future, so reading book like this also helps me with that, and plus its just fun!

10.) Going on long nature walks in the forest/woods, and taking pictures of nature. I admire the singing birds the fresh air, and the tall trees. It let's me escape a bit of reality and puts me in a relaxation situation. It helps me reflect upon everything around me. It triggers moments (like the ones showen in the photographs) that I can stop and unwind. I can just think about life itself.

9.) Getting Drunk (but not to the point where I'm totally wasted) I remember the moment I turned eighteen my friend also had a hotel party, I had more that just one drink. I love that effect it gives me. My friends have said I'm not the aggressive drinker, which is good; apparently I'm the happy-but-emotional drinker. I love drinking with friends. And being half European I just its just in my blood to like that stuff.

8.) Bake:my favourite things to bake are coffee cake, garlic bread and cinnamon rolls:)

7.) Try new things: gymnastics, horse riding, wake boarding, motorcycle riding

6.) Watch the latest movies on cheap tuesdays in the expensive theatres. Usually I go with my movie buddy. (C.E.)

5.) Excersize/workout: doesn't matter whether its at the gym, at home , or outside.  

4.) Write Blogs, and make Youtube videos: Its fun and it helps me gain confindence in myself. I can express myelf and my opinions freely, and openly. I can also have some time to reflect and write down/say my thoughts.
Here's a link to my Youtube Channel:
3.) Travelling: I love going to Poland and visiting my family there. I love going on road trips to Calgary, and the Mountains of Banff and Jasper. I've also been to El Salvador, and viewed the way other cultures live. Travelling opens my eyes to see a wider range of the world. To be able to see different ways of other different people is just fanastic. In addition, I just love going on adventures.

2.) Draw/sketch: This is something I remember doing ever since I was a very young child. My mom even brought me to art classes at the Art Gallery. But after awhile it was got too expesive so I stopped going. But I've taking art 10 &20 in High School. I especially love drawing things like cars, animals & fashion sketches. Drawing is also a passion of mine, creating is just in my nature. My mind works in creatively mysterious ways. With every drawing I create I freely let my artistic vibes flow and just draw from what ever is inside my head to how I feel about it in my heart. Through drawings I can also communicate my message to the viewer, thus expessing my opinion, my thoguhts, my feelings.

1.) Talk to God/Pray: I like to have a "quiet time" alone with God and tell him my problems, ask him if he could lend me a hand, or just thank him for something. As a Catholic, I try to pray daily, and go to church every Sunday. It is very theraputic. It give me a chance to relax and think about things that may be bothering me. I read somewhere once, that it is very healthy for one to take some time out of there hectic day and have a calm quiet moment to reflect upon, this can be done through yoga, mediation, or pray. It also mentions that this lets the body "recharge," and bring down that stress level. As we let go of the stressful things and bring our focus onto the better things, it will trigger a sense of happiness, for those moments.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday

This is the significant day in every Christians/Catholics lives where we revisit the long past history of Jesus's Crucifixion.

I was raised by a single religious mother, who brought me to church every Sunday of my childhood life. So naturally it is my duty as a Catholic to go to church. Tis' what I did today.

But the reason I wanted to write this post was because I had an epiphany when I reached out to touch the cross. I realized that the hardship that I carry with me day after day, that it all will turn out fine, just as long as I got Jesus beside me.

My mistakes is what builds my character. I will try and try again. If I fail, at least I had the balls to get back up. I need to forget about the troubles and find my happiness.

Sounds cheesy, I know, but that was what was going through my head at the time.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cristabel's Latest Role Model of 2012

                     My new hero and role model that I have discovered is a young latino woman who looks like she not only has a girly side but a pair of balls that come with it.

The reason she stood out to me is because we both seem to share similar desires, passions and dreams. The only huge difference is the fact that she is living it, and I am still dreaming it.

Her name? Scarett Martinez (No relation to me.)

Why do I look up to her?

Well to anwser that, I first have to let you know a little about me. Ever since I took Fashion Studies in grade 11, I discovered that I really wanted to become a fashion designer. But somewhere deep inside me I have always secretly wanted a job that was physically challenging and one that gave me that "adreinline-rush" kind of atmosphere. In other words, I have always wanted to become a soldier for the military. Deep inside me I feel like I have a personality that wouldn't exactly be considered femanine. In short, I'm very much like a tom-boy, who enjoys to hangout with the "guys," as well as play "dress-up" with the girls.

Scarelett Martinez and I seem to value similar things in life. According to the website of: Scarlett Martinez was born in Houston, Texas, and her parents are Colombian. She enlisted in the U.S. army in 2004 during the Iraq War. One of her passions is fashion design. 

When I first come across a youtube video that starred Scarelett, I was shocked at how she overcem the tough obstactles that life hit her with. Her story is truely inspiring. She inspires me greatly.

I encourage anyone who is reading this post to watch the inspirational video in the link above to get a better feel for what I'm talking about.

If you want to know more about me and my dream career checkout my Youtube video vlogs: