Saturday, March 3, 2012

Anyone know how to restore Youtube videos, 2012 homepage addition?

I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world.  This makes it hard to plan the day. 
~Elwyn Brooks White

            Yesterday I commmited one of the worst crimes I could possibily do. However, its not like I meant to; I did it accidentally . . . I . . .I accidently deleted my Youtube videos when I only ment to delete one. Omg I could be so stupid sometimes. I had a bunch of my art videos on there, and memories from El Salvador. Honestly, I can't believe it even happened. Its like my life is over. This may sound stupid but every video I made, was a connected part of me. Everything I built is just taken away from me. Its beginning to sound like I just had someone close to me die, doesn't it? Well, in a way, I did sort of loose myself. I feel like there is an empty hole inside me. For the most part I didn't make those videos for other people, I made them for myself and later decided to share with the world what beauty I had created. 

           I just recently made a youtube video asking anyone who knows how to restore videos from the 2012 youtube page, if they would kindly help me. I did know how to do it before Youtube had a tare down and changed the page. I tried to look for some tutorial vids that would help me but no one seems to have made a video for the 2012 Youtube page, yet. 

FML. :[

This is my latest youtube channel :

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