Friday, March 16, 2012

Shits Going Down But I Gotta Nephew!

               A couple of posts back I mentioned that my brother had his first child. What I didn't mention was the fact that he wasn't able to take the baby home because welfare had custody of the child. Apparently the social workers were concerned about the fact that there was a bad history of the woman he had the baby with.

          I still haven't seen the baby but I might go this weekend with the rest of my family & visit him. My bro lives in a different city about three hours away from me. My brother goes to see the baby weekly. The people have custody of the baby just until the trail, for his court date; he's fighting to get his boy back. Yesterday he sent me a picture of little guy. He looks just like one of those adorable babies on those Huggy Commercials. He's just about one of the most cutest things I've ever seen in my life. A true miracle. He has these bright blue eyes which may change to brown as he gets older. (However, my mom and my grandpa both had blue eyes, so maybe it might be a recessive trait.)

          I laughed when I read the t-shit he was wearing. It says, "Daddy is my Hero." My brother has always been a little bit or a rebel every since we were young. He doesn't always make the best choices, but he's a human being. I must admit though he was quite bright in high school, he had very high grades, higher then mine that for sure. But he also had a sense of rebelliousness inside him.
          The other day I was watching an episode of Reggis and Kelly expect Reggis wasn't there and the guest host was Alec Baldwin and he said that he had a theory for same gender kids born of four. He said that the first one is going to be the good one, the senate. The second one is going to be the bad one, the bankrobber. The third one will be the senate and the fourth one with be a bank robber. My family may be the evidence to back up his theory.

           In my family there were four kids. My older brother 1, my second older brother 2, me3 and then finally my younger sister 4. Now I'll let you know that I will not disclose their names for reasons that will accuse me that I am somewhat exploiting their personal life. My older brother grew up to be a bit of a nerd. He was the "Goody-two-shoes" in the family. He was the one who passed high school with flying colours and went on to college, determined to pursue his million dollar dream. He was defiantly a "senate".Then there was my second brother the one who just received his first child. He was one of those children that would rather enjoy life at the moment. He loved to play anything from video games, to a game of VERY ROUGH football. In Junior High, he got into a lot of school fights. However in high school he matured from these fights. But he wasn't necessarily "good" either. He may have been smart but he didn't use his intelligence for the good. I could swear the only reason he took chemistry was so that he could build a better understanding of how to mix and make drugs and later sell them. After high school, I don't know what he did. He moved out at 18 and I didn't hear from him for months. I could see my mom was sad, she was constantly praying the rosary at night. She's very religious. Case in point,brother 2 was the bank robber. 

         Me, I wouldn't really say I'm the senate. I'm not the brightest light bulb in the box. My mind is more of a creative mind. I'm somewhat in the middle I know my right from wrong but I sometimes bend the rules. I care for people in need, animals and the environment but I also remember one summer where I was so bored I stole a nom off someone front yard in the middle of the night just for fun. Which reminds me I still need to give that thing  back, its been huanting me ever since. However, if you do compare me to my younger sister then yes I am the good one. My sister is such a rebal. In junior high she and her friends went to go egg a girls house because she was talking shit. She got charged an had to do community servus.

         In conclusion, everyone in my family varies in the form of behaivor and personalities. We are all different. Yet I do hope my bro's baby turns out to be a senate.

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