Saturday, March 10, 2012

Coming Soon: Women's/Environmental Health Video Plus Vlog's

               I have always wanted to start vlogging, but never really had the technology to do it, until now. I saved up money and eventually bought myself an awesome camera. However, my original purpose of the camera was to create a video entry for the Pink and Green Ribbon Scholarship contest of 2012.

               I should have the educational video up, for everyone to see, before April 10th 2012. This was a project that was specifically aimed to create and educate women about the connection between women's health and the environment's health. I did have to research about the topic and later write a script in my own words, so it was not just a one day project. In fact, it took me about a four weeks to put it all together (in between school and life).  But I'm glad I did, because I learned a lot while I was researching it. I found out that with time, contaminants link to increased cancers, illness, asthma, even depression and lots of other health problems. These contaminants can be everywhere from the air we breathe to the water we drink, and the food we eat. They are from all the pollutants that us humans may be contributing through our daily activities (example: emissions from cars and transportation trucks that import the food we but at Safeway). It is really sad how our world is being destroyed by the creatures within it. At the end of the video I even challenged to women to change their life, by making two propositions; 1 to change their body in a positive way (example: go for a jog once a day) and 2 to change the environment (example: recycle).

I like this quote:
To tackle climate change you don't have to reduce your quality of life, but you do have to change the way you live - Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London (foreword to the Mayor's Climate Change Action Plan, 2007)

                 Anyways getting back to the topic of vlogs, I want to start making some. It was seems like a fun hobby to do. I know my first few vlogs may not begin as being the best, but everyone has to start somewhere. Its all in the process of learning. The flower has to start from a little seed before it begins to sprout. I have to be honest though, it is kind of weird to talk to yourself and just a camera. Thus, I will put the links on this page after I finish a editing a couple of my first vlogs, so subscribe to my Youtube &/or stay tuned if you want to match these words with a face! Good day my friends!


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